☂️ in dn when i'm rlly tired n might not have the energy 2 interact with ppl

follow/unfollow/refollow at will. i softblock sometimes when i feel overexposed but its not personal! all mutuals can frq but i may not always accept depending on how im feeling

plz frq w/ both main and priv bc i WILL accidentally interact w/ ur main on this acc ^_^; if i follow ur priv i will prob frq w/ my main as well but feel free 2 decline it if u want

i tweet stream of consciousness on here like i just never shut up. feel free 2 interact with any of my tweets its fine. i usually like most tweets i see on priv but if that makes u uncomfortable lmk :]

sometimes im pretty bummed but i try 2 keep the heavy stuff off this acc :] feel free 2 ask 4 my vent (the app) account but i warn u in advance thats my mental illness zone. ALSO feel free 2 ask 4 my discord if u want that 4 some reason

plz dont leak art or serious tweets w/o asking. u can leak funny tweets and interactions though idc :]